10 Essential Tools Every Machine Embroiderer Needs

If you were starting from scratch right now and stocking your work room, what are the things you’d absolutely have to have? Each person’s answer would probably vary in details a little bit, one person advocates for one brand over another, the next person doesn’t see a need to a particular item, but there would also probably be a lot of overlap. In this post, I’m going to spotlight the overlap, the tools that the majority of machine embroiderers would agree are necessary.

Tool #1: Applique Scissors – As you can tell from the design catalog, here at Lynnie Pinnie, we like applique. Really like applique. Because we like applique, we’re also fans of applique scissors. For those who aren’t familiar, applique scissors allow for cutting extremely closely to your stiches with being in danger of accidentally cutting threads you don’t want to cut. Definitely a good investment if you like applique.

Tool #2: Needles – I know, you’re all looking at me and shaking your heads in bemusement. “Oh course we need needles, Kristine,” you’re all saying, “you can’t embroider without needles.” And you have a point, but it’s the type and size of needle that can matter. Even if it’s as basic as a ballpoint or a sharp, the type of needle you use and how often it’s changed can have a real impact on your embroidery. So make sure you’ve investigated what needle types are out there and why you might want to use them.

Tool #3: Hoops – Yes, in the hoop projects are fun, but hoops are for much more than that. Most machines come with a few standard hoops, but there are a variety of types of hoops available, some designed for specific types of embroidery, and others made of specific materials. It’s wise to have a variety of hoops on hand, so you can take on any embroidery challenge.

Tool #4: Stabilizer – I wrote an entire book on this subject, so you had to know stabilizer was going to make this list. The thing to remember here is that there are a wide variety of stabilizers available. Some are more all purpose and some are for a specific job. Make sure you have a good array of stabilizers on hand and that you understand how each type should and could be used.

Tool #5: Machine oils and maintenance tools – Conventional wisdom can tell you that it isn’t wise to mess with your embroidery machine, but there’s a difference between messing and maintaining. At the very least, it’s wise to have some machine oil to keep your machine lubricated. A small set of basic tools could also be helpful. Most machines will come with basic instructions for maintenance.

Tool #6: Seam Ripper – No one likes to think about it, but mistakes do happen. Sometimes the stitches that went in have to come out. A seam ripper allows you to pull out the stitches that ended up where they weren’t supposed to be or how they weren’t supposed to be.

Tool #7: Tweezers – Another handy little tool that allows you to grab loose threads, hold threads that need snipping, and weed those hard to reach areas. A good pair of tweezers can help you tidy up a messy applique or grab those pesky jump stitches that need snipping.

Tool #8: Scissors – I know we talked about applique scissors earlier, but they’re not the only sort of scissors that should be in your arsenal. Depending on what you do, you might need dressmakers shears, pinking shears, basic embroidery scissors, curved embroidery scissors or snips. Not to mention all the scissors with pretty colored or patterned handles.

Tool #9: Fabric marking pen – Want to make sure that applique lands in exactly the right place? Enter the fabric marking pen, or pencil or chalk. This is a tool that allows you to mark your spot on your fabric. Most temporary or semi permanent.

Tool #10: Ruler – The unsung and often forgotten hero of the work room. Need to measure a garment for exact placement? You need a ruler. Need to cut a straight edge for applique? Ruler. Cutting pieces of fabric to exact dimensions for a quilt? Ruler.

While this isn’t an exhaustive list of every tool that a machine embroiderer might need, we think it’s a good start. If you think we missed something, leave us a comment and let us know!

Fun With Fonts

If you’ve spent even a little bit of time on the Lynnie Pinnie site, you may have noticed we offer a lot of fonts. When I first thought about writing this post, I considered going into the history of fonts and how they’ve changed over the centuries, which led me to the history of printing, and the changes in how the printing process worked and the machines that were used and suddenly I was down a rabbit hole of learning about printing. It was interesting, but not exactly applicable to what we’re doing here. So, I decided, instead, to talk about the types of fonts Lynnie Pinnie offers, and where and why you might want to use them.

Let’s start first with the Native BX fonts. These fonts are scalable, object based fonts that can be resized without distortion using Embrilliance platform products. Lynnie Pinnie has, to our knowledge anyway, one of the more extensive collections of Native BX fonts, and a wide variety of selections within that one category. Whether you’re looking for something fancy (hello, gradient script font) or something simple like a chain stitch, we have you covered.

Next up we have our Sketch and Triple Run Fonts. A lot of these fonts look very similar to hand stitching. Most of you may already know this, but sketch fill has a lighter density and fill then a regular fill stitch. The fonts are designed to let a bit of the cloth show through. This is fun if you’re doing an applique with or embroidering on a piece of a amazing fabric and you want the pattern or color of the fabric to show through a little more. Some of my favorite fonts in this category include The Fighter Chain Stitch and the Whimsy Doodle font.

One of the things Lynnie Pinnie is known for is applique designs (the founder of Lynnie Pinnie is also the founder of Applique Getaway, after all) and applique fonts. These type of fonts, as the name implies, are fonts that are designed to be used as appliques. You can use these fonts for monograms, for birthday shirts, really for almost anything for which you’d use a stitched out font. The difference in these fonts is that they include fabric, which allows you to vary their appearance based on the type of fabric you use. The applique also gives a slightly more 3-D appearance and makes the font stand out a bit more. These fonts are a fun change of pace and allow you to do something a little different with lettering.

Finally, let’s talk about the number fonts. A lot of these are applique, which makes them perfect for use in the monthly pictures of new babies a lot of people now take. You’ve all seen those, where a baby is posed on a quilt or with pillows or something that shows their age so you can record the progress as the child grows. These number fonts are also great for embroidering shirts for the first day of school, creating a shirt for the birthday boy or girl, or even creating a cute team shirt for your little t-baller or soccer player. Most of these fonts are applique as well, so you have the chance to make them unique by varying the fabric.

Words and Sayings

I’m a writer, so I don’t suppose it’s a surprise that one of the first categories of designs I was attracted to was the words and sayings category. I’m a big fan of the marriage of words and images, and Lynnie Pinnie has some really cute and fun designs that are just that. Since the site also has an enormous back catalog of designs (1600 I believe I was told was the number) posts like this also help point out some applique designs, and design categories, that you might otherwise have missed.

The “Naturally Sweet” and “Berry Adorable” designs take cute fruit to a whole new level. Continuing our theme of cute food, and also a possible adorable Valentine’s Day design, we have the “Sweetie Pie” heart applique. If you feel strongly about eating your veggies, you might want to go for the “Corn Maze Cutie” filled embroidery design. Clearly, at Lynnie Pinnie, we like adorable food.

For those who are working with religious themes, Lynnie Pinnie has a variety of word art combinations based on Bible verses and religious themes. If John 3:16 is a favorite verse, Lynnie Pinnie has it available in a word art machine embroidery design file and in a vintage Colorwork Sketch file. Proverbs 3.5 is the Scripture quoted in Tribal Arrows word art applique. You can also find Psalm 139.14 in the same Tribal Arrows word art applique design. Finally, we have the Blessed Nation, Psalm 33:12 in an applique.

While we know that boys can like dolls and girls can play football, there are just some designs that seem to lend themselves more to one gender than another. If you’re looking for “boy” designs, Lynnie Pinnie has some cute ones on offer. The “Touchdown” football applique would be adorable on the shirt you make for your future quarterback or wide receiver. The “Bro” appliques for little brother, middle brother and big brother, would be perfect for a family portrait, or as a way to introduce a new sibling. And if you have recently had a new little boy arrive, the “Thank Heaven for Little Boys” clothesline applique could be the perfect decoration for his onsie.